Thursday, February 5, 2009

God requires action

I was reading in Exodus about the first passover. I find it interesting that the Lord had the Israelites take the blood from a lamb and put it across their doors to avoid their firstborn being killed. It's not like God didn't recognize His own people. He wasn't passing by each home wondering whether it belonged to an Egyptian or an Israelite. He didn't have to keep them up all night, slaughtering animals, eating hastily, painting doorways with blood, and burning leftovers...he could have just let them sleep right through the whole thing. So why didn't He? I think he was faith building. Letting His people know, "If you obey me, even when it doesn't make sense, I will be faithful and deliver you." He was giving them a role within a testimony that they would be able to proclaim to generations to come. He was preparing them to walk through the wilderness. Psalms says, "When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought joy to my soul." What does God's consolation look like?'s not a big hug or a pat on the's not a promise that trouble will not come again. It is the testimonies in our lives. The times that we look back on and say, "When we obeyed the Lord, He made a way for us." I'm thankful that God let's us play an active role. I don't want to be sleeping through my miracle.

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