Thursday, January 29, 2009

What are we waiting for?

I was reading in Gen 42 today. Egypt and all the surrounding lands were in the middle of a 7 year famine.
"When Jacob learned that there was grain in Egypt, he said to his sons,"Why do you just keep looking at each other?" He continued, "I have heard that there is grain in Egypt. Go down there and buy some for us, so that we may live and not die." vs. 1-2
I think it is kind of funny how, like Jacob's sons, we often sit around waiting for God to send a solution to our problems. We think, "man, I'm hungry...if only I had some grain like they do down in Egypt. Maybe today God will provide some."
Psalm 139:4 says, "Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord." God knows our thoughts and needs before we even speak them to Him. I'm not suggesting that we should not pray about our situations. I'm simply wondering if, in many cases, God has already provided what we need if we will just choose to take action.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Daily reminders

Curtis posted a blog around the New Year about having new month resolutions instead of new year resolutions. It's a great idea and a great way to be continually lining ourselves up with God's will.
When Moses was leading the Israelites, he had them put tassels on their cloaks to remind them of God's commands, so that they would walk in obedience to Him. This is a challenge to me...what resolutions has God put on my heart and what "tassels" can I put in place to remind me to walk in obedience and stick to my resolutions? It is so easy to forget our convictions and aspirations when regular life is happening all around us. Sometimes we need an alter of stone or a tassel on our cloak to keep us in line.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It takes faith to live in the promised land

I guess faith is my current weakness and thus the topic of my thoughts again today. I was reading in Numbers 13 and 14. God had brought His people out of Egypt, through the desert and now to the place He had promised...only the promise didn't look like what the Israelites had expected. Sure, there was the milk and honey thing...grapes, pomegranates, figs...amazing land for crops and hope for a future and freedom. But there were also giants, strong men living in the land who, undoubtedly, would not just hand it over. The thought of facing this adversity was enough to make the Israelites want to run back to the arms of the ones who enslaved them. At least in slavery they knew what to expect.
Isn't it true in life that our real bondage comes through the false comforts we cling to, and the belief that the promised lands are too risky?
The truth is there are ALWAYS giants living in the promised land.
Satan wants to stand directly between us and God's blessing, screaming in our faces, "Hello! There are giants here! If you come any closer they will destroy you! Go back to where you came are making a big mistake!"
It takes faith to live in the promised land.
It takes understanding...if God is for us, who can be against us?
So what do we do when satan stares us in the face and challenges our promises? Shall we politely hand over our inheritance and turn back to regular life?...content to just be surviving? Or shall we charge the land and claim our promise with full force? I say we take what God has given us and settle for nothing less. How exactly do we do that... I have no idea :-) But I'm working on figuring it out.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Where are we going?

Last week, out of nowhere, Curtis asked me how I would feel about starting a college ministry in Laramie, WY. For those of you who don't know, we are a military family...we will be here for no more than a couple of years and then be sent on. Maybe that helps you imagine what was going through my head. Like a good wife, I responded something along these lines, "Sure, sounds good. Let's pray about that!" What I was really saying was, "Ok, let's stop talking nonsense...I'll let God work this craziness out of you." 
Although short, the conversation stirred a lot of emotion in my spirit. Why does God plant these dreams and desires that don't seem to make sense. One minute we feel lead in one direction and the next somewhere completely different. Maybe it is just our human nature to be discontent with where we are. Maybe it is our deep desire to walk blindly in complete chaos with only the comfort of our Creator to sustain us. 
A couple days after my conversation with Curtis I was reading about Abram. "The Lord had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you." Gen 12:1. The part that really gets me is that Abram just did it!!! What the heck? Who does that?
I think my response would be something like this, "Sure God, I love You and I am willing to do whatever You ask of me...I'm just going to need a few details before we get started; How's the housing market?...schools?...what kind of neighborhood are we talking?...will I need to get a large breed dog? shall I start preparing for our new ministry?...when I leave this tent, what exact direction shall I begin walking?"
I guess maybe I don't truly believe that God will work out the details, because that's my job and I'm really good at it.
So how did Abram do it? How did he relinquish all common sense and just choose to follow blindly? I have no idea! 
Lord, work in me a faith like Abram's, so that I can walk in faith without having to know the details.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Why blog?

I can't say that I am super open when it comes to my personal life and aspirations. I am a military wife...often uprooted and somewhat disconnected. Today's sermon was about getting healthy in mind, body and spirit ( For whatever reason, I felt like this blog might be a good first step in getting healthy. Feel free to make yourself a part of my journey.