Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It takes faith to live in the promised land

I guess faith is my current weakness and thus the topic of my thoughts again today. I was reading in Numbers 13 and 14. God had brought His people out of Egypt, through the desert and now to the place He had promised...only the promise didn't look like what the Israelites had expected. Sure, there was the milk and honey thing...grapes, pomegranates, figs...amazing land for crops and hope for a future and freedom. But there were also giants, strong men living in the land who, undoubtedly, would not just hand it over. The thought of facing this adversity was enough to make the Israelites want to run back to the arms of the ones who enslaved them. At least in slavery they knew what to expect.
Isn't it true in life that our real bondage comes through the false comforts we cling to, and the belief that the promised lands are too risky?
The truth is there are ALWAYS giants living in the promised land.
Satan wants to stand directly between us and God's blessing, screaming in our faces, "Hello! There are giants here! If you come any closer they will destroy you! Go back to where you came from...you are making a big mistake!"
It takes faith to live in the promised land.
It takes understanding...if God is for us, who can be against us?
So what do we do when satan stares us in the face and challenges our promises? Shall we politely hand over our inheritance and turn back to regular life?...content to just be surviving? Or shall we charge the land and claim our promise with full force? I say we take what God has given us and settle for nothing less. How exactly do we do that... I have no idea :-) But I'm working on figuring it out.

1 comment:

  1. awesome post. I'm glad to be going into the Promised Land by your side!
