Saturday, July 18, 2009

the stands still

I was standing at the sink this morning, giving attention to some very neglected dishes, when I heard my girls start giggling. They were sitting at the dining room table transferring cheerios in and out of different containers.

Do you ever have moments where time just slows down, almost to a stop, and everything just seems right with the world?

As I stood there watching two of the greatest loves I have ever known play with their cheerios, these lyrics played on my ipod, "You are worthy, You are worthy of my child like faith, and of my honest praise, and of my unashamed love."

For that moment, all the stress of my day was lifted. I raised my hands in worship. It's amazing how perspective can change so suddenly. My kitchen my altar, the unswept floor...suddenly holy ground. 

I realized again what I've known all along, God doesn't just want me on Sunday mornings. He wants me all the time...when the dishes are dirty, when the laundry needs folding, when the kids are screaming, when dinner is burning...when life is happening. 

Life is not about life...Life is about Jesus. 

I guess I just needed to be reminded of that today.