Monday, February 9, 2009

Getting to know me.

I sat down with a book today called, "All About Her". Curtis and I both received copies of these books when we were first married to help us get to know each other better. Funny enough, over 4 1/2 years later, they are still both blank. I'll admit, I've almost tossed them on many occasions. To my husbands dismay, they were about to be shipped to goodwill not more than a month ago.

At first I kind of thought it was silly that he wanted to keep them. Doesn't he already know my favorite restaurant?...what I like to do on a rainy day?...and do I really want to put all my clothing sizes in writing???
But as I opened the book today, I started thinking. It is so wonderful to have a husband who still wants to pursue me. He doesn't even care if he already knows the answers to every single question in this book...he just enjoys the gesture of me continuing to reveal myself to him.

It makes me think about my relationship with God. The God I serve knows the exact number of hairs on my head. He knows my thoughts before I think them. He knows my answer before He even asks the question. So why does He ask? Why does he tug on my heart?
Because He's crazy about me. He loves to pursue me and be pursued by me.

My husband knows that I love him, but he still enjoys it when I whisper it in his ear. I think God feels the same.

I love you Curtis.

1 comment:

  1. Heather you are a blogging machine! These are schway. Very cool. Loving it.
