Monday, February 23, 2009

The Flower Dream

I had a dream.
I saw God kneeling beside a pathway. He was working intently, preparing some soil. Opening the ground, He planted a seed. As He worked, the seed grew. A flower began to bloom. He took gentle care watering and grooming the flower. After a while, when everything was perfect, He stood and returned to His throne. He waited and watched with anticipation. On the edge of His chair He sat staring at His creation. Then, in the distance, He saw me. I was walking the path. Barely breathing, He continued to watch. I walked quickly, with purpose. Like a breeze, I came and went, not taking notice of the gift He had left. With a sigh, He sat back. He thought to Himself, "It was perfect, but she missed it." After a few moments passed, He got up and returned to my path. Again, he knelt down and began to create. He spared nothing, putting every bit as much effort into this flower as the last, "Maybe this time she'll notice...maybe she'll smile...maybe she'll realize how much she means to Me." He worked until, once again, He saw me down the pathway. He returned again to His thrown to watch in anticipation. My walk was slower this time. There was a new look in my eyes...a desire...a longing. I approached the flower and stopped. It was perfect...the most beautiful flower I had ever seen. I knelt and admired the work of art. Smiling, I rose to my feet and continued on my way. "It worked! She smiled!" God thought to Himself. I have to do it again. Over and over God returned to the path, making sure each time the gift He left was just right. The more flowers I saw, the more I was filled with the understanding of God's love for me. I began, occasionally, picking the flowers. As I would see people along my path, I would give them a flower. I took pleasure in watching them find the same joy in this creation that I had found. Eventually, my path was completely overrun with the most beautiful assortment of wild flowers. Anyone who crossed paths with mine stopped in amazement. Some picked the flowers, and continued to carry them down their own paths. I began to realize that my life's path was beginning to change the paths of others' lives. I couldn't help but stop and worship. "Thank you, Lord, for giving me this gift to pass on to others. Thank you for using me. What an amazing creative and brilliant your plans plant a flower to reach so many people!" That is when I heard the soft voice of my Father, "I planted that flower to see you smile."

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