Friday, May 15, 2009

Standing in the breakers.

"Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me." Psalms 42:7

When I was a kid my mom took me and a few neighbor kids to the beach. I had been sick for awhile so I wasn't allowed to get in the water. It was a beautiful day, sunny but not too hot. I sat on the beach trying to entertain myself while the other kids swam. I decided, in my boredom, to build a sand castle. Before long I was creating quite the masterpiece. I was very focused on my task, creating tunnels and doorways. Then behind me, I heard my mom start yelling, "wave!!!....wave!!!" I turned back around just in time to see a giant wave heading straight toward me. There was nothing I could was too late. The wave hit me...hard. I flew backward and did a somersault. My head hit the ground and I took in a mouthful of water.
As the wave receded, everyone came running to my aide. I just sat there...stunned. Not ten seconds earlier I was happily building my sandcastle...I was dry...I was on my feet...I was in control.
Everyone who went to the beach, including me, had gotten in the water. We were all wet. The only difference...everyone else chose to get in carefully. They stuck their toes in to see how it felt first...they went in slowly...they waded in and out at their leisure. I was overcome...I was out of control...I had been swept over.

It's easy to try to experience God in small manageable just stick our toes in, but David compares God to a wave...a breaker that sweeps over us. This is the way we are made to interact with God. Notice it doesn't say, "Deep calls to shallow; come stick your feet in."

Be out of swept off your feet by your magnificent creator.

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