Monday, March 9, 2009

NOT what I ordered!

Have you ever sat down for a nice meal at a restaurant, only to find that when your order shows up it is completely different than what you asked for? There are two types of people in this situation...people like my husband who would rather eat the wrong meal than make a fuss...and people like me, who spent the last 15 minutes dreaming about the perfect meal and can't imagine eating it any other way. I simply cannot stand when my order is wrong. Now, in most cases, a wrong order is simply a misunderstanding, but imagine if it wasn't. Imagine if after looking over your order, the waiter thought to himself, "Does she really need fries with that burger?...She might be better off with a side salad, and maybe some steamed broccoli." How frustrating would that be! Then, imagine the waiter coming back to the table and trying to explain his logic...I would be so confused, and probably a little offended.
I was thinking about this the other day while I was having my quiet time, and ironically Jeff spoke about my thoughts so clearly this past Sunday (If you missed it, it's a must see at
In my life, I have clearly put in my order...I have let God know exactly what I want. I've been waiting in anticipation for everything to come out right. Then out comes the meal.
"Um...this is all wrong. You see my husband ordered the helicopter pilot with a side of fencing coach. He went to the Air Force Academy so it's the only meal that makes sense for him. I ordered the full-time ministry with the side of mommy/wife combo. I went to bible this meal just fits me." Then I kindly ask my waiter with the nail scarred hands, "Do you think I could speak to your manager?"

God knows that sometimes we order things that aren't right for us...sometimes our order will clog our arteries and corrode our hearts. But I still always wonder when my order comes up wrong, "Is this God giving me what is good for me, or is satan trying to throw me off course." I think the only answer to that question is...who is waiting on me? Have I lined myself up with Christ so that I know my open doors are from Him, or am I living selfishly and receiving orders that comply with the desires of my human nature? If Christ is waiting on me (and I am waiting on Him), the order will always come out right.

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